Calling All High Level Players!!!
BCA is the league for you!
Get in and Get out – quick matches and great players.
Wins and Losses only — no handicapping or long matches.

BCA holds an annual National Event and invites the best players in the world to come play.
You don’t have to play in their leagues to participate – you can purchase an Associate membership for the Vegas events! This event never disappoints! Diamond tables, 5000+ players, great vendors with products for your every billiard desire!
Hope to see you there!!
More info on the Save the Date page

BCA put together a nice history of pool. You can read it all here

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 🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

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🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

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1 0
Good luck to everyone competing in Vegas, and extra best wishes and good skill to all of our students in the tournament! You all worked so hard to get there, bring it home!

🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
 🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

Good luck to everyone competing in Vegas, and extra best wishes and good skill to all of our students in the tournament! You all worked so hard to get there, bring it home!

🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

5 0
VEGAS BABY!!! 💯💯💯❤❤❤🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Check out the tournaments coming up on the app!
 #goplaypool #everyday #funtimes #playingpool #havingfun #competition #winning #folowers #followersinstagram #vegas #vegaspool #CSI #BCApool #letswin

VEGAS BABY!!! 💯💯💯❤❤❤🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Check out the tournaments coming up on the app!
#goplaypool #everyday #funtimes #playingpool #havingfun #competition #winning #folowers #followersinstagram #vegas #vegaspool #CSI #BCApool #letswin

3 0
It’s almost Time !! ,, I’m super excited ,, 😋 ,, Catch me at the Rio and at Griff’s ,, 😍 ,, Wanna Play !! ,, 🎱💋❤️ ,, #8ball #9ball #10ball #girlsthatplaypool #bcapool #poolplayers #predator #lasvegas #lfg 🎱❤️🎱❤️ ,, #poolislife !!

It’s almost Time !! ,, I’m super excited ,, 😋 ,, Catch me at the Rio and at Griff’s ,, 😍 ,, Wanna Play !! ,, 🎱💋❤️ ,, #8ball #9ball #10ball #girlsthatplaypool #bcapool #poolplayers #predator #lasvegas #lfg 🎱❤️🎱❤️ ,, #poolislife !! ...

29 7
🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
 🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

4 0
We had a blast working with this retired NYFD firefighter and his lovely family as we replaced rubbers and skins on their 9' Olhausen in gorgeous Delaware County NY. We hope this update brings them lots of joyful games over many many years and we appreciate the opportunity to do this for them. Thank you for choosing Dragon Billiards for all of your needs!

🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
 🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

We had a blast working with this retired NYFD firefighter and his lovely family as we replaced rubbers and skins on their 9` Olhausen in gorgeous Delaware County NY. We hope this update brings them lots of joyful games over many many years and we appreciate the opportunity to do this for them. Thank you for choosing Dragon Billiards for all of your needs!

🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

4 0
Drills with the "Infinity" mindset can be great for your mental game. So can drills with a reward/consequence. Put them together and you've got one heck of a program to improve on ensuring you do the most important thing....MAKE THE BALL. It doesn't matter what position you were trying to get when you missed. You missed. In a match, there is a punishment called sitting down and watching your opponent. Raise the stakes in your practice...Train Better so you can Do Better.

Learn other techniques to practice properly and with purpose with us. Every student is different. We will match the solutions to your problems with an individual plan tailored to your learning style. In-person or online, Quit Draggin' and Get Dragon.

🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
 🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

Drills with the "Infinity" mindset can be great for your mental game. So can drills with a reward/consequence. Put them together and you`ve got one heck of a program to improve on ensuring you do the most important thing....MAKE THE BALL. It doesn`t matter what position you were trying to get when you missed. You missed. In a match, there is a punishment called sitting down and watching your opponent. Raise the stakes in your practice...Train Better so you can Do Better.

Learn other techniques to practice properly and with purpose with us. Every student is different. We will match the solutions to your problems with an individual plan tailored to your learning style. In-person or online, Quit Draggin` and Get Dragon.

🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

5 1
Your job in 8 ball is simple. Make your table better, theirs worse, or (ideally) do both at once.  It's not a race to see who can clear their balls and miss on the 8 first. If you can't outshoot your opponent, at least try to outsmart them! 

🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
 🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

Your job in 8 ball is simple. Make your table better, theirs worse, or (ideally) do both at once. It`s not a race to see who can clear their balls and miss on the 8 first. If you can`t outshoot your opponent, at least try to outsmart them!

🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

2 0
Cue in hand, confidence on point.🎱🎱🎱

#billards #trickshots #bilyard #apapool #predatorcues #eightball #snookerworld #cues #snookerbar #bilardo #billiardtable #pooltables #billiardstable #bcapool #billiardslife #efrenreyes #bcapoolleague #mosconicup #motogp #biliard #cuetec #apapoolleague #bilhar #carom #playingpool #ballpoolgame #poolcues #sinuca #jumpshot #nineball

Cue in hand, confidence on point.🎱🎱🎱

#billards #trickshots #bilyard #apapool #predatorcues #eightball #snookerworld #cues #snookerbar #bilardo #billiardtable #pooltables #billiardstable #bcapool #billiardslife #efrenreyes #bcapoolleague #mosconicup #motogp #biliard #cuetec #apapoolleague #bilhar #carom #playingpool #ballpoolgame #poolcues #sinuca #jumpshot #nineball

861 1
Aim and/or delivery. Those are the only reasons why we miss. If you've invested the time to develop a razor straight stroke but you're still missing...check your head alignment. Your cue is likely not aligned to the aiming point of the object ball, and there's a good chance that what you think is center cue ball or center object ball is actually a bit left or right. Not to mention, seeing the center of a sphere is difficult in itself. Prefer instructional tools over working with a live instructor? Try a CenterPoint training cue, they're 20% off this month.

One of the first things we do when working with a new student is identify where their vision center is so we can help them align their cue under it. Its seldom directly under their dominant eye--usually between their nose and dominant eye. Do you know where your vision center is?

Once they're aligned properly, I'll ask them to wink their non-dominant eye to verify that the picture hasn't changed in their perspective. If things look differently when winking, something isn't quite right. So, we go at it again until they have learned how it feels to come down into the shot with correct alignment. If they steer their stroke once aligned....well, that's a different lesson. And if they've been making shots being aligned wrong all this time, that means two wrongs made a right. Correcting delivery means aim correction will be needed as well. Don't worry, it's not a hard process with help and practice, but I wouldn't recommend taking your first lesson the week of a big tournament.

If you'd like to learn how to identify and align with your vision center, contact us to book a lesson! We offer private in-person and online (video chat) instruction, both of which could be very helpful to getting your game to the next level. 🐉

🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
 🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

Aim and/or delivery. Those are the only reasons why we miss. If you`ve invested the time to develop a razor straight stroke but you`re still missing...check your head alignment. Your cue is likely not aligned to the aiming point of the object ball, and there`s a good chance that what you think is center cue ball or center object ball is actually a bit left or right. Not to mention, seeing the center of a sphere is difficult in itself. Prefer instructional tools over working with a live instructor? Try a CenterPoint training cue, they`re 20% off this month.

One of the first things we do when working with a new student is identify where their vision center is so we can help them align their cue under it. Its seldom directly under their dominant eye--usually between their nose and dominant eye. Do you know where your vision center is?

Once they`re aligned properly, I`ll ask them to wink their non-dominant eye to verify that the picture hasn`t changed in their perspective. If things look differently when winking, something isn`t quite right. So, we go at it again until they have learned how it feels to come down into the shot with correct alignment. If they steer their stroke once aligned....well, that`s a different lesson. And if they`ve been making shots being aligned wrong all this time, that means two wrongs made a right. Correcting delivery means aim correction will be needed as well. Don`t worry, it`s not a hard process with help and practice, but I wouldn`t recommend taking your first lesson the week of a big tournament.

If you`d like to learn how to identify and align with your vision center, contact us to book a lesson! We offer private in-person and online (video chat) instruction, both of which could be very helpful to getting your game to the next level. 🐉

🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

9 0
🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
 🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

5 0
Some say the best way to eliminate the dreaded money ball choke is to shoot it like any other ball. Others suggest shooting every ball like it's the money ball. 

Whether 8, 9, or 10 ball, chances are high that you got to shoot at the money ball because you used both pocketing and positioning skills with the previous balls. So why would you define inconsistency by only pocketing the money ball without position too; completely different than any other ball? 

In a real game situation, imagine another ball on the table you need shape for after the money ball. For this drill, no need to imagine...it's the rules.

🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
 🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

Some say the best way to eliminate the dreaded money ball choke is to shoot it like any other ball. Others suggest shooting every ball like it`s the money ball.

Whether 8, 9, or 10 ball, chances are high that you got to shoot at the money ball because you used both pocketing and positioning skills with the previous balls. So why would you define inconsistency by only pocketing the money ball without position too; completely different than any other ball?

In a real game situation, imagine another ball on the table you need shape for after the money ball. For this drill, no need to imagine...it`s the rules.

🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

10 0
Menyediakan Kebutuhan 8Ball Pooll
Box Legendary, Box Collector dll.
#ball #ballpool #ballpoolgame #billiards #apapool #habits #tournament #win #balltournament #ballpooltrick #bcapoolleague #bcapool #apapoolplayer #apapoolleagues #apapoolplayers #apapoolleague #billiardstable #drills #efrenreyes #trickshots #trickshot #wisdom #knowledge #fun #happy #permainan #ballpoolcoins #maharastra #snookerpool #snookers

Menyediakan Kebutuhan 8Ball Pooll
Box Legendary, Box Collector dll.
#ball #ballpool #ballpoolgame #billiards #apapool #habits #tournament #win #balltournament #ballpooltrick #bcapoolleague #bcapool #apapoolplayer #apapoolleagues #apapoolplayers #apapoolleague #billiardstable #drills #efrenreyes #trickshots #trickshot #wisdom #knowledge #fun #happy #permainan #ballpoolcoins #maharastra #snookerpool #snookers

1 0
🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
 🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

8 0
🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
 🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

🐉 Train Better. Do Better. Shop Better. 🐉
🐉 www.DragonBilliardsInstruction.com 🐉

#billiards #9ball #9ballpool #apa #americanpoolplayersassociation #8ball #8ballpool #iteachpool #pool #DragonBilliardsInstruction #DragonBilliards #TheDragon #apapoolleague #poolequipment #poolteacher #poolcue #bcapool #bcapoolleague🎱 #icueclinic

8 0
Almost one year ago #bcapool #bullcarbonshafts

Almost one year ago #bcapool #bullcarbonshafts ...

2 0
Winner of the Salotto photo contest is 40s_fit_dad Michael Jacobs from South Dakota repping the brand in competition 🤘 Michael will be receiving the new "Hard Work > Talent" design by Salotto. Give a follow or be up to date on more contests! #pool #golf #billiards #gofast #8ball #9ball #10ball #poolhall #toplist #goodlife #bcapool #billiard #cuesports #shootingpool #salottogang #playpool #perfection #billiardstable #dynaspheres #salotto #salottoapp  #nailedit #musclecar #steeze #runout #kickshot #bankshot #mobhitlist #fargorate #quickmatch

Winner of the Salotto photo contest is 40s_fit_dad Michael Jacobs from South Dakota repping the brand in competition 🤘 Michael will be receiving the new "Hard Work > Talent" design by Salotto. Give a follow or be up to date on more contests! #pool #golf #billiards #gofast #8ball #9ball #10ball #poolhall #toplist #goodlife #bcapool #billiard #cuesports #shootingpool #salottogang #playpool #perfection #billiardstable #dynaspheres #salotto #salottoapp #nailedit #musclecar #steeze #runout #kickshot #bankshot #mobhitlist #fargorate #quickmatch ...

15 1
I don’t believe in competition. You’re not me. That’s it. nassirbelali 


#billards #trickshots #bilyard #apapool #predatorcues #eightball #snookerworld #cues #snookerbar #bilardo #billiardtable #pooltables #billiardstable #bcapool #billiardslife #efrenreyes #bcapoolleague #mosconicup #motogp #biliard #cuetec #apapoolleague #bilhar #carom #playingpool #ballpoolgame #poolcues #sinuca #jumpshot

I don’t believe in competition. You’re not me. That’s it. nassirbelali


#billards #trickshots #bilyard #apapool #predatorcues #eightball #snookerworld #cues #snookerbar #bilardo #billiardtable #pooltables #billiardstable #bcapool #billiardslife #efrenreyes #bcapoolleague #mosconicup #motogp #biliard #cuetec #apapoolleague #bilhar #carom #playingpool #ballpoolgame #poolcues #sinuca #jumpshot

0 0
#billards #trickshots #bilyard #apapool #predatorcues #eightball #snookerworld #cues #snookerbar #bilardo #billiardtable #pooltables #billiardstable #bcapool #billiardslife #efrenreyes #bcapoolleague #mosconicup #motogp #biliard #cuetec #apapoolleague #bilhar #carom #playingpool #ballpoolgame #poolcues #sinuca #jumpshot #nineball

#billards #trickshots #bilyard #apapool #predatorcues #eightball #snookerworld #cues #snookerbar #bilardo #billiardtable #pooltables #billiardstable #bcapool #billiardslife #efrenreyes #bcapoolleague #mosconicup #motogp #biliard #cuetec #apapoolleague #bilhar #carom #playingpool #ballpoolgame #poolcues #sinuca #jumpshot #nineball ...

47 0
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