Welcome to Jane’s House!

Greetings and Salutations!

Welcome to Jane’s house! In this house, we are polite, respectful and expect to have some good clean fun. I’ve come across some interesting folks and fantastic shots on this Pool-adventure and I don’t see it slowing down anytime soon.

I felt the world needed a better resource for poolplayers and poolaholics everywhere.
Pool is one of those sports (and yes it is a sport!) that unless you are there, it’s tough to show someone how it went down. No amount of explaining or drawing on napkins really does the shot you just made justice. They just won’t get it…Maybe if they play and if you can explain it right, they will get an idea of how amazing your shot was…but more often than not you get a lot of “un-huhs” and polite nods. With technology today, I’m pleased to present some of the finest shots in pool by some of the most inspiring players around the country and in the world.

On this site you will find highlights of players, tournament schedules, product reviews, Opinions about Pool and anything and everything I get a notion for. I encourage you to explore the videos, watch the players, learn some new shots — if you’ve never seen it, how likely is it you’re going to remember it in the middle of a game? Engage, make comments, play in tournaments, sponsor players and grow the sport.

So as I started with, Welcome to Jane’s house. #wehavefunhere. It’s not about winning or losing, it’s about playing the game. Once upon a time I was a minnow too, and with hours of practice, an open mind and some very patient friends, I’ve started to swim with Sharks. I have long since started a torrid love affair with this often unpredictable game and through the ups and downs, wins and losses, perfect shape and JaneShape shots and the end is no where near. We will not go softly into that goodnight – we will rage, rage against the light!.


This was the shot. We took a time out. I did not like it but I didn’t have a better option. I tried to hit it the way Aaron Hara told me to. It was the shot for the BNR. 

How fun 😜

This was the shot. We took a time out. I did not like it but I didn’t have a better option. I tried to hit it the way Aaron Hara told me to. It was the shot for the BNR.

How fun 😜

57 2
It’s on! πŸŽ‰
Me and Aaron Hara take on the Baca boys at 9MST. 
Catch all the action @piazzaslive on Fb and YouTube! 

I’m so excited to play this season! We took second last season and are pushing for gold this season! πŸ₯‡

1100 Scotch Doubles πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ•ΊπŸΌ
Race to 8, win by 2 🎱🎱
$30k+ in the prize pool πŸ€‘

Shout out to my sponsor, @predatorcues … I’m relying on my stellar arsenal and the pool gods for good breaks and all the rolls πŸ’ͺ🏻 even if they only give me the tiniest edge… in a race for 30k, isn’t it worth every penny to give yourself the best possible chance?? πŸ†

Wish us luck! πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

It’s on! πŸŽ‰
Me and Aaron Hara take on the Baca boys at 9MST.
Catch all the action @piazzaslive on Fb and YouTube!

I’m so excited to play this season! We took second last season and are pushing for gold this season! πŸ₯‡

1100 Scotch Doubles πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ•ΊπŸΌ
Race to 8, win by 2 🎱🎱
$30k+ in the prize pool πŸ€‘

Shout out to my sponsor, @predatorcues … I’m relying on my stellar arsenal and the pool gods for good breaks and all the rolls πŸ’ͺ🏻 even if they only give me the tiniest edge… in a race for 30k, isn’t it worth every penny to give yourself the best possible chance?? πŸ†

Wish us luck! πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

8 0
Red Lion Hotel 

We took the whole place over!

Red Lion Hotel

We took the whole place over!

9 0
RACK ATTACK went undefeated today to get into the redraw final 8 tomorrow at the Rocky Mountain VNEA Women’s Tournament! 

We play again tomorrow at 6. It has been a blast playing with these gals and making balls all day! The last match was super close, they made a tough push at the end and made some phenomenal outs including a kicked in 8ball. πŸ’ͺ🏻 But we won only by the 4 handicap points they gave us. Woohoo for the handicap! 🀣

1 BNR… it’s not nothin. 

We are ready for day 2! Let’s get em Ladies! 

This format you play round Robin, and every break you get can literally make or break the match. 
I love my BK Rush from @predatorcues  It does so much of the work πŸ’ͺ🏻

#RackAttack πŸŽ±πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ†


RACK ATTACK went undefeated today to get into the redraw final 8 tomorrow at the Rocky Mountain VNEA Women’s Tournament!

We play again tomorrow at 6. It has been a blast playing with these gals and making balls all day! The last match was super close, they made a tough push at the end and made some phenomenal outs including a kicked in 8ball. πŸ’ͺ🏻 But we won only by the 4 handicap points they gave us. Woohoo for the handicap! 🀣

1 BNR… it’s not nothin.

We are ready for day 2! Let’s get em Ladies!

This format you play round Robin, and every break you get can literally make or break the match.
I love my BK Rush from @predatorcues It does so much of the work πŸ’ͺ🏻

#RackAttack πŸŽ±πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ†


36 2
Little montage of the weekend. ##workhardplayhard 
#eightball #tournamentlife #winning #morein24

Little montage of the weekend. ##workhardplayhard
#eightball #tournamentlife #winning #morein24

12 0
9 Break n Runs
4 Table Runs
1 Shut out
2 Losses (1 before the redraw and 1 after) 
2 days 
1 great weekend of pool with 1 of my fav players
= priceless!

β€œPom Stars” won the 12th Annual Bev Walker & Jerrold Harris Jack & Jill Scotch Doubles Tournament at the VFW 1881 in #Cheyenne, #Wyoming 🀠

We lost our first match and ripped through the left side of the bracket to get to the Top 8 and Redraw. We won the Hotseat match and lost the first round of the finals double hill. 

The final set we won 6-1, and it was a pleasure to play with Pom this weekend. Thank you for being my partner! πŸ†

So many incredible outs and smart safeties, lots of waiting and tons of pressure to compete with a field of super tough teams. 
I’m thrilled, home and exhausted. πŸ’ƒπŸ»

Thank you to my friends and family for the support and words of encouragement 😘

Thanks to the VFW 1881 for hosting and toasting to Bev Walker and Jerrold Harris and honoring their memory and raising money for the Make a Wish foundation. πŸ˜‡

Shout out to @predatorcues for the very best cues - 9BNR isn’t possible without an outstanding break - and for helping to make this an exciting and lucrative weekend. πŸ€‘


9 Break n Runs
4 Table Runs
1 Shut out
2 Losses (1 before the redraw and 1 after)
2 days
1 great weekend of pool with 1 of my fav players
= priceless!

β€œPom Stars” won the 12th Annual Bev Walker & Jerrold Harris Jack & Jill Scotch Doubles Tournament at the VFW 1881 in #Cheyenne, #Wyoming 🀠

We lost our first match and ripped through the left side of the bracket to get to the Top 8 and Redraw. We won the Hotseat match and lost the first round of the finals double hill.

The final set we won 6-1, and it was a pleasure to play with Pom this weekend. Thank you for being my partner! πŸ†

So many incredible outs and smart safeties, lots of waiting and tons of pressure to compete with a field of super tough teams.
I’m thrilled, home and exhausted. πŸ’ƒπŸ»

Thank you to my friends and family for the support and words of encouragement 😘

Thanks to the VFW 1881 for hosting and toasting to Bev Walker and Jerrold Harris and honoring their memory and raising money for the Make a Wish foundation. πŸ˜‡

Shout out to @predatorcues for the very best cues - 9BNR isn’t possible without an outstanding break - and for helping to make this an exciting and lucrative weekend. πŸ€‘


22 2
7 Break and Runs 🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱
3 Table Runs πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘
1 Shutout
16 hours of pool πŸ•°οΈ 

Lost our first match (stupid morning pool) … and sent folks home all day 
#leftsidekillers πŸ€ πŸ’ƒπŸ»

Made the Top 8 for the Calcutta & Redraw
Currently 2 deep on the winners side of the redraw, playing for the hotseat in the morning and guaranteed third πŸ’ͺ🏻

Pom is super fun to play with and came with some big shots and fantastic plans. We had our share of miscues and mishaps, but we pulled out a pretty phenomenal performance for the day πŸ† 

Thanks to the VFW in Cheyenne for hosting a wonderful day of pool 🀠

And thanks, as always, to my sponsor, #PredatorCues my Throne 3-1 and BK RUSH are reliable and feel great under pressure. My breaks were pretty darn good today, and definitely helped get to SEVEN BNRs. 
I don’t think I’ve ever done that before in any Scotch Tourney… I liked it - a lot - and it all starts with a good break. 

#eightball #8ball and more #8ballpool🎱

7 Break and Runs 🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱
3 Table Runs πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘
1 Shutout
16 hours of pool πŸ•°οΈ

Lost our first match (stupid morning pool) … and sent folks home all day
#leftsidekillers πŸ€ πŸ’ƒπŸ»

Made the Top 8 for the Calcutta & Redraw
Currently 2 deep on the winners side of the redraw, playing for the hotseat in the morning and guaranteed third πŸ’ͺ🏻

Pom is super fun to play with and came with some big shots and fantastic plans. We had our share of miscues and mishaps, but we pulled out a pretty phenomenal performance for the day πŸ†

Thanks to the VFW in Cheyenne for hosting a wonderful day of pool 🀠

And thanks, as always, to my sponsor, #PredatorCues my Throne 3-1 and BK RUSH are reliable and feel great under pressure. My breaks were pretty darn good today, and definitely helped get to SEVEN BNRs.
I don’t think I’ve ever done that before in any Scotch Tourney… I liked it - a lot - and it all starts with a good break.

#eightball #8ball and more #8ballpool🎱

30 6
We are going to Cities!! πŸŽ‰
My team crushed TriCups and we won both matches in 4. It was an excellent team effort and an absolute pleasure to captain πŸ‘©πŸ»β€βœˆοΈ this team into the next level. One more tourney and we get to go to Vegas for Nationals this summer. 
β˜€οΈ 🎲🎲

@predatorcues …absolutely the finest cues in the world….taking us to vegas one shot at a time 🎱 

Ducking Awesome! πŸ€‘
The Mirage Sports Bar
Metro Denver APA

We are going to Cities!! πŸŽ‰
My team crushed TriCups and we won both matches in 4. It was an excellent team effort and an absolute pleasure to captain πŸ‘©πŸ»β€βœˆοΈ this team into the next level. One more tourney and we get to go to Vegas for Nationals this summer.
β˜€οΈ 🎲🎲

@predatorcues …absolutely the finest cues in the world….taking us to vegas one shot at a time 🎱

Ducking Awesome! πŸ€‘
The Mirage Sports Bar
Metro Denver APA

16 0
We went #undefeated today! πŸ†
We had a BNR to get on the hill, and got the #shutout in the finals. πŸ’ͺ🏻
What a magnificent day and an amazing end to 2023 πŸŽ‰

Aaron Hara thanks for playing with me and putting up with my #Shennanigans! πŸ₯³
It’s my honor to play with you again! Thank you for coming with the big shots when we needed them and coaching me into the right shots and leaves at clutch moments. Our timeouts were on point! I appreciate the insights and good attitude- even when things look bleak. 🌈 

Shout out to @piazzassportsbar and their wonderful staff who took such good care of us today and ran a smooth Calcutta and tourney. πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

Sandra Padilla, the president of SandraCorp strikes again owning not 1 but both ponies in the finals. She went home early, and still made out like a bandit tonight! πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘

Shout out to @predatorcues for the sponsorship and all the support that goes with it. I am grateful for my wonderful cues that hit like a dream today. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


We went #undefeated today! πŸ†
We had a BNR to get on the hill, and got the #shutout in the finals. πŸ’ͺ🏻
What a magnificent day and an amazing end to 2023 πŸŽ‰

Aaron Hara thanks for playing with me and putting up with my #Shennanigans! πŸ₯³
It’s my honor to play with you again! Thank you for coming with the big shots when we needed them and coaching me into the right shots and leaves at clutch moments. Our timeouts were on point! I appreciate the insights and good attitude- even when things look bleak. 🌈

Shout out to @piazzassportsbar and their wonderful staff who took such good care of us today and ran a smooth Calcutta and tourney. πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

Sandra Padilla, the president of SandraCorp strikes again owning not 1 but both ponies in the finals. She went home early, and still made out like a bandit tonight! πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘

Shout out to @predatorcues for the sponsorship and all the support that goes with it. I am grateful for my wonderful cues that hit like a dream today. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


47 4
Such a fun day of glory!!! We rolled through the bracket all day. Taking on a tough field in the SCOTCH 1150. @piazzassportsbar has the best tournaments in Denver, Co and @predatorcues are simply the best! πŸ†

Such a fun day of glory!!! We rolled through the bracket all day. Taking on a tough field in the SCOTCH 1150. @piazzassportsbar has the best tournaments in Denver, Co and @predatorcues are simply the best! πŸ† ...

12 0
My partner for the 1100 scotch doubles today @piazzassportsbar was none other than Jack Quist! 
Jack made some phenomenal shots … like this 8 I left for him πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ˜œπŸ€žπŸ»πŸ’°

Piazzas has an amazing atmosphere and competitive as well as lucrative scotch tourneys just about every weekend. Great Calcutta and smoothly run with Digital Pool. 

#puttinginwork #denverpoolplayers #banksr4stupidpeople #thiswasawesome #myhero #eightball #gamesweplay

My partner for the 1100 scotch doubles today @piazzassportsbar was none other than Jack Quist!
Jack made some phenomenal shots … like this 8 I left for him πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ˜œπŸ€žπŸ»πŸ’°

Piazzas has an amazing atmosphere and competitive as well as lucrative scotch tourneys just about every weekend. Great Calcutta and smoothly run with Digital Pool.

#puttinginwork #denverpoolplayers #banksr4stupidpeople #thiswasawesome #myhero #eightball #gamesweplay

32 2
I love this set up! 
My @predatorcues Apex Table plays great, and the #LittmanLight is perfect. The light is never in my eyes and beams straight down onto the table. We got the idea from #griffslasvegas, which imo is the best poolhall in the country! 🎱

This is my #temple. This is where we put in work πŸ’ͺ🏻. This is my favorite place to #zen out and #chill. 
Every table plays a little different, every pattern requires different #skills - and the #knowledge of when to do what. #vision #execution 
This is the #homeofchampions πŸ†

I love this set up!
My @predatorcues Apex Table plays great, and the #LittmanLight is perfect. The light is never in my eyes and beams straight down onto the table. We got the idea from #griffslasvegas, which imo is the best poolhall in the country! 🎱

This is my #temple. This is where we put in work πŸ’ͺ🏻. This is my favorite place to #zen out and #chill.
Every table plays a little different, every pattern requires different #skills - and the #knowledge of when to do what. #vision #execution
This is the #homeofchampions πŸ†

33 0
1-9 followed by a BNR. Up 2 quick! 
#BKRUSH #BLAK #Nineball 
#predatorapex  #practice

1-9 followed by a BNR. Up 2 quick!
#BKRUSH #BLAK #Nineball
#predatorapex #practice

7 0
got to the table early and kicked off some other people trying to practice, my opponent who well outranked me,  came up early too, saw who he was playing and decided he didn’t need practice and let me have the table. πŸ€
He and his friends came back before game time, lots of friendly Spanish and jovial attitude. He didn’t speak English. So he got his  friend to ask me if he could have the break because he was giving me such a big spot. 
He said the tourney dir said that’s how it is. 
I told him to go get the tourney dir to confirm it or flip. πŸ’ƒπŸ»
We flipped. He won. 🀠
I made 3 crazy early 10s. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
I had a jump, that was intended to combo. Called the 10. But instead the cue ball hit the one and caromed perfectly into the 10. He broke, left a close cut on the 1, but the 10 hanging in the pocket. Nailed it. I’m on the hill. 
I broke dry, he played safe, I couldn’t see the 1 under the stack. Through a bunch of balls from the middle of the table, I 2-rail kicked the 1-10 into the side. It flew in the pocket and I shook his hand as he picked his jaw up off the floor. 😜
I walked back after dropping the scoresheet, he was re-enacting some unbelievable shots to his friend πŸ˜‚

Wouldn’t have been possible without my sweet @predatorcues AIR II. My Throne and BK RUSH never cease to amaze me! πŸ’•

got to the table early and kicked off some other people trying to practice, my opponent who well outranked me, came up early too, saw who he was playing and decided he didn’t need practice and let me have the table. πŸ€
He and his friends came back before game time, lots of friendly Spanish and jovial attitude. He didn’t speak English. So he got his friend to ask me if he could have the break because he was giving me such a big spot.
He said the tourney dir said that’s how it is.
I told him to go get the tourney dir to confirm it or flip. πŸ’ƒπŸ»
We flipped. He won. 🀠
I made 3 crazy early 10s. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
I had a jump, that was intended to combo. Called the 10. But instead the cue ball hit the one and caromed perfectly into the 10. He broke, left a close cut on the 1, but the 10 hanging in the pocket. Nailed it. I’m on the hill.
I broke dry, he played safe, I couldn’t see the 1 under the stack. Through a bunch of balls from the middle of the table, I 2-rail kicked the 1-10 into the side. It flew in the pocket and I shook his hand as he picked his jaw up off the floor. 😜
I walked back after dropping the scoresheet, he was re-enacting some unbelievable shots to his friend πŸ˜‚

Wouldn’t have been possible without my sweet @predatorcues AIR II. My Throne and BK RUSH never cease to amaze me! πŸ’•

56 4
I played in the APA US AMATEURS yesterday in Orlando Florida. I qualified for this event 14 months ago! πŸ’ͺ🏻
This tourney brought out some amazing ladies from all over the country. πŸ’ƒπŸ» Beautiful Diamond tables and Jeremy Jones commentating! 🎧 
My first match was against the runner up from last year - on the stream! 
She was an excellent shot, and made me work. I was nervous, and freezing, but tried my best despite not being able to feel my fingers. Came up short, but this was my best shot of the match. πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š

I love banks and this one felt reallllly good!  My @predatorcues #THRONE is so smooth and works well under pressure! πŸ’Ž as always, thank you to my #Predatorcues sponsor for the equipment. Never ceases to amaze me. πŸ’•


I played in the APA US AMATEURS yesterday in Orlando Florida. I qualified for this event 14 months ago! πŸ’ͺ🏻
This tourney brought out some amazing ladies from all over the country. πŸ’ƒπŸ» Beautiful Diamond tables and Jeremy Jones commentating! 🎧
My first match was against the runner up from last year - on the stream!
She was an excellent shot, and made me work. I was nervous, and freezing, but tried my best despite not being able to feel my fingers. Came up short, but this was my best shot of the match. πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š

I love banks and this one felt reallllly good! My @predatorcues #THRONE is so smooth and works well under pressure! πŸ’Ž as always, thank you to my #Predatorcues sponsor for the equipment. Never ceases to amaze me. πŸ’•


144 14
Aaron Hara and I played hard in the finals, but came up short. ☠️
We will have to cry in all the money we still won and wallow in the misery of making it through a tough field, under a crazy amount of pressure, to the finals of a high payout scotch tournament. πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅

My partner made some phenomenal shots and it was a pleasure to play with him. Always positive, encouraging and helpful. Gave some pretty clutch timeouts too. We almost had it all…. 

Thank you Tony Piazza for the smooth tournament and excellent commentary throughout the entire season. Piazzas puts on an amazing show and takes great care of the whole pool community. Much appreciation for the experience!

Next stop… US AMs. This was a good warmup! I learned a lot and am ready for more!! Wish me luck πŸ€ 
#next #letsgo #girlsthatplaypool 

Ps, I love my @predatorcues and the BK RUSH is always on point. I had one of the most consistent, solid  breaks in the tournament … and I give a lot of credit to my cue. #loveit #winning #allbreaksmatter

Aaron Hara and I played hard in the finals, but came up short. ☠️
We will have to cry in all the money we still won and wallow in the misery of making it through a tough field, under a crazy amount of pressure, to the finals of a high payout scotch tournament. πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅

My partner made some phenomenal shots and it was a pleasure to play with him. Always positive, encouraging and helpful. Gave some pretty clutch timeouts too. We almost had it all….

Thank you Tony Piazza for the smooth tournament and excellent commentary throughout the entire season. Piazzas puts on an amazing show and takes great care of the whole pool community. Much appreciation for the experience!

Next stop… US AMs. This was a good warmup! I learned a lot and am ready for more!! Wish me luck πŸ€
#next #letsgo #girlsthatplaypool

Ps, I love my @predatorcues and the BK RUSH is always on point. I had one of the most consistent, solid breaks in the tournament … and I give a lot of credit to my cue. #loveit #winning #allbreaksmatter

68 10
Me and Aaron Hara won a hard fought #battle tonight to advance to the #finals!! 
We were down 1-4…2-5… and came back to #win 8-6. πŸŽ‰

It was such a crazy #comeback! #nevergiveup #miracleshappen πŸ’‹

Thanks Aaron for putting up with some gawd Awful shots…. And sticking with me til the bitter end!! πŸ•ΊπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸ»

Thanks Tony Piazza and Jonathan Amo for the commentary on the stream and to @piazzassportsbar for the hospitality. Always a #pleasure to #play here! 
And this format is #amazing. 🫢🏻
I love that I’m not playing the semi finals at #midnight after 12+ hours of playing… this tourney we start #fresh every round. Much, much more #fun for sure!! 🎱

Thanks to my sponsor @predatorcues  for the best #cues….ever. My #Throne and #BKRush never let me down. ✨

Next round decides the #champion … tune in to Piazza's Live on Fb and YouTube  next Friday for the finals! πŸŽ‰

Me and Aaron Hara won a hard fought #battle tonight to advance to the #finals!!
We were down 1-4…2-5… and came back to #win 8-6. πŸŽ‰

It was such a crazy #comeback! #nevergiveup #miracleshappen πŸ’‹

Thanks Aaron for putting up with some gawd Awful shots…. And sticking with me til the bitter end!! πŸ•ΊπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸ»

Thanks Tony Piazza and Jonathan Amo for the commentary on the stream and to @piazzassportsbar for the hospitality. Always a #pleasure to #play here!
And this format is #amazing. 🫢🏻
I love that I’m not playing the semi finals at #midnight after 12+ hours of playing… this tourney we start #fresh every round. Much, much more #fun for sure!! 🎱

Thanks to my sponsor @predatorcues for the best #cues….ever. My #Throne and #BKRush never let me down. ✨

Next round decides the #champion … tune in to Piazza`s Live on Fb and YouTube next Friday for the finals! πŸŽ‰

30 0
Tonight we will compete in the Final 4 of the Friday Fight Night IV series  @piazzassportsbar. πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ•ΊπŸΌπŸ’°

My partner, Aaron Hara and I are going to battle it out with the other monsters that are left to compete for the $30k prize pool. πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅
Race to 8 🎱
Win by 2 πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š
1100 scotch doubles πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ•ΊπŸΌ

I wish everyone the best of luck πŸ€ and may the rolls be ever in your favor ✌🏼

I love my @predatorcues #Throne and #BKRUSH. 
I am the designated breaker… and the breaks matter!! The right cues make such a huge difference! 
I wouldn’t be here without #PredatorCues. Thank you so much for everything!  I could not wish for a better cue to believe in! 🫢🏻

Tonight we will compete in the Final 4 of the Friday Fight Night IV series @piazzassportsbar. πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ•ΊπŸΌπŸ’°

My partner, Aaron Hara and I are going to battle it out with the other monsters that are left to compete for the $30k prize pool. πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅
Race to 8 🎱
Win by 2 πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š
1100 scotch doubles πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ•ΊπŸΌ

I wish everyone the best of luck πŸ€ and may the rolls be ever in your favor ✌🏼

I love my @predatorcues #Throne and #BKRUSH.
I am the designated breaker… and the breaks matter!! The right cues make such a huge difference!
I wouldn’t be here without #PredatorCues. Thank you so much for everything! I could not wish for a better cue to believe in! 🫢🏻

38 1
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